Monday, November 21, 2005

The Death Penalty: A Modern Day Slavery?

Christians today are often in favor of the death penalty because of biblical support. The institution is clearly just, as it was used by God in the Old Testament, therefore its use is appropriate today. 21st century Christians, however, are quick to condemn slavery. Not because of a lack of biblical support, but because we can see that the context of biblical slavery is vastly different from the the way in which it was practiced 160 years ago. American slavery, obviously, was a tool of racism and oppression. I therefore find it immensely satisfying that for every southern Christian who defended the instutution, there were one or more abolitionists who fought against slavery in the name of Christ.

My hope is that Christians will look past simple biblical support and into the heart of the American criminal justice system. The death penalty is just not working in large American communities. It, like slavery, has become a tool of racism and oppression. The death penalty, if it is ever to be just, must be impartial and without error. Sadly, in our country the death penalty is neither of these things. It is a punishment avoided by the rich and inflicted on the poor. And it is a punishment that can be manipulated by those in power. As long as that remains the case, it will remain an institution in need of repair.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Following up on some metaphysical struggles

Bill made an excellent comment on this post, that I finally replied to. Although I still don't have a satisfactory answer hammered out, I think the issues are starting to surface.

My real problem is I don't want to be a Platonist, but the possible nominalistic consequences of nominalism are a greater evil.

I have done a bit of reading on this in contemporary analytic works and now I have been reading some of Peter Abelard (Medieval) on this, but I still don't have a clear enough picture to be happy yet :).

Teasing this out a bit more here. I would be appreciate some good resources or suggestions about Aristotelian Metaphysics and the solution of the problem of universals. I am planning another read through of JP Moreland's book later in the semester.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

How About Some Medieval Fun?

I stumbled across the Shaft theme song translated into Middle English today. I laughed so hard I just had to share it. "Homo est animal rationale, mortale, risus capax"
Translation: Man is a rational, moral animal, capable of laughter.
(HT: Got Medieval)