Friday, November 11, 2005

Following up on some metaphysical struggles

Bill made an excellent comment on this post, that I finally replied to. Although I still don't have a satisfactory answer hammered out, I think the issues are starting to surface.

My real problem is I don't want to be a Platonist, but the possible nominalistic consequences of nominalism are a greater evil.

I have done a bit of reading on this in contemporary analytic works and now I have been reading some of Peter Abelard (Medieval) on this, but I still don't have a clear enough picture to be happy yet :).

Teasing this out a bit more here. I would be appreciate some good resources or suggestions about Aristotelian Metaphysics and the solution of the problem of universals. I am planning another read through of JP Moreland's book later in the semester.


Greg and Heather said...

What's so bad about being a Platonist besides being the target of ridicule from your academic peers?

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