Wednesday, December 14, 2005

From the "Unintended Irony" File

Gotta love the title of CBN's update on the so-called "Battle for Christmas." Consumers fighting for Christmas? Huh?

It used to be that Christians fought consumers over the true meaning of Christmas. It was thought that there was nothing more poisonous than the identification of Christmas with shopping. Now it seems as though consumers are fighting the forces of secularism to get Christmas back into the shopping mall. Is Christmas just not the same if it isn't endorsed by Target? Do we really need corporate sponsorship of the newborn Christ? Have we gone mad?

1 comment:

BK said...

It is my belief that Christmas is already overly commercialized, but there is a difference between commercializing Christmas and refusing to say "Merry Christmas" in a store during Christmas. We should oppose the over commercialization on the one hand, but also not simply ignore the backhanded slap at Christianity by the second.